Bullet Gauge
Bullet Chart is used to illustrate progress toward a threshold. The qualitative ranges are displayed as different colors that can be customized, for example, to show the performance as poor, satisfactory, or good.
- Legend
- Bullet
- Target
- Thresholds
Creating a Bullet Gauge
To create a Bullet Gauge you need a data field that is aggregated and displayed using the bullet. This data field is used in the Values shelf. Any number of ranges can be defined as Thresholds and an optional date column can be picked in the Comparison section to compare the value between two date periods.
In the example below, we want to see if sales have reached the goal we had set for the first quarter. We drag and drop Total Sales column as Values, and then we set a Threshold value for Q1 and changed the color of it. We continue by dragging the shippedDate column to the Comparison section and set the comparison to today. In Styles we change the Indicator from the default Comparison to Custom where we configure the indicator to the goal for Q2.
## Styling the Bullet Gauge In the Configuration Panel on the right side of the Chart Builder, you can style different aspects of your chart.
The General section is available for all chart types, and the options vary depending on the chart selected.
In the Comparison section, you can choose a date (dragged into the Date Column field) to compare the value of the selected column, aggregated over the time period of your choice (set from the Time Period dropdown) to the same value from another time period (set in the Comparison dropdown).
The Time Period and Comparison date periods can be picked from predefined values in their respective dropdown lists, or set to custom ranges (the last option in each dropdown).
- Time Period - the period over which you want the indicator value to be aggregated. For example “Sales of the Last Quarter”.
- Comparison - the period you want the indicator to compare the Time Period to.
- Type - display the higher/lower difference in the tooltip in either percent format or as the actual numeric value.
Bullet Charts enable setting any number of Thresholds, which are defined numerical ranges with a color-coded classification for the computed metric. Each threshold is defined by criteria. Chart Builder provides two types of Thresholds:
- Fixed. A Fixed threshold is a static value. For example, when showing the temperature, you can decide that the range below 50 shall be called “Cold” and be depicted in blue, the range between 50 and 75 will be “Warm” and colored yellow, and numbers above 75 be called “Hot” and colored red. Fixed thresholds also support custom tokens, which set the value of the threshold each time the widget is rendered. For more information, see Using Custom Tokens.
- Dynamic. A Dynamic threshold is based on the aggregate of a column in the dataset. For example, displaying the number of users that completed an activity based on the count of all activities.
The Threshold options are:
- Color. Choose a color for the threshold.
- Label. Give your threshold a custom label.
- Operator. Choose the operator for the criteria.
- (Fixed) Value. Set the value for the criteria. To set a custom token, enter
and begin typing the name of the token until it displays in the suggestion box. For more information, see Using Custom Tokens. - (Dynamic) Value Column. Select the column to use to calculate the threshold.
- (Dynamic) Value Aggregate. Set the type of aggregate to use to calculate the threshold. Options are:
- Average
- Median
- Count
- Distinct Count
- Minimum
- Maximum
- Remove. Remove the threshold.
The Styles section enables you to control various visual elements of the charts, such as colors, labels, and more. It is available for most chart types, and the options vary depending on the chart selected.Style options specific to this chart are listed below.
- Bullet Color - change the color of the bullet.
- Threshold Opacity - decrease the opacity from the default 100% or by typing a number in the box, and decide how opaque you want your threshold to appear in contrast with the target and the needle.
- Target Indicator - here you can choose how to show the target computed in the Comparison section:
- Comparison - the comparison value.
- Custom - set a custom Target Value with a custom Target Label.
- Target Color - choose the color of the target.
- Format - set the format of the values on the scale choosing between Default, Abbreviated, Decimal (set a number of decimals), Currency (choose the currency from the drop-down menu and set a number of decimals), Percentage (set a number of decimals), Scientific.
- Show Animation - when checked the bullet moves from the minimum scale to the target; when unchecked the bullet statically appears at the target value.
You can also add Filters to your data by expanding the Filters section in the configuration panel or by clicking on the Filters button in the toolbar above the canvas. Filters that are created in the Chart Builder are hidden from End Users. These types of filters can’t be edited or interacted with in the view mode.
For more on the Bullet Gauge and other KPI Charts, we recommend watching this video..